The Personal Touch

Irresistible Relatability


Rejection is a determination regarding your present suitability. It is not the final word on your career. Use this setback as a learning experience; turning the temporary loss into a forward step.  Rejection can occur for a number of reasons. Below are the most prevalent causes; and ones well within your scope to control. If you find any apply, then do something about it. The next time you interview, chances of success will likely increase



Bad Attitude: arrogant, timid, entitled, dismissive, etc.


Poor Communication Skills


 Ill Prepared For the Interview: lack of company research; lack of engaging questions for the interviewer; poor response to interview questions, etc.


Inadequate For the Position: lacking the necessary experience, education, and other prerequisites to qualify for the job. 


Lack Focus: appears desperate for any job; are engaged with a number of company interviews; seem uncommitted to the company 


Poor Salary Negotiations: discussing salary too soon in the interview process communicates a lack of concern for the company's well-being.